علیرضا محمدزاده ☕️
علیرضا محمدزاده Alireza Mohammadzadeh

Software Engineer

Dedicated and innovative Software Engineer with a strong focus on Software Development, Software Architecture, Open Innovation, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics. Eager to collaborate with passionate professionals and leverage my expertise to drive forward-thinking projects and technological advancements.

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  1. Data Science Intern (Bootcamp)

    • Analyzed data with Power-BI and Python (Matplotlib, Plotly) and conducted statistical hypothesis testing.
    • Developed a Python web scraper for CoinMarketCap.
    • Managed MySQL and Neo4j databases.
    • Implemented NLP techniques to predict customer satisfaction from user reviews, achieving 70-75% across various performance metrics (accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score).
    • Automated product categorization in e-commerce with a deep learning image classifier, achieving a score of 70-75% on various metrics.
    • Promoted effective team communication and collaboration.
  2. Software Engineer

    • Collaborated on developing a data-intensive application using Python and AfterEffects to automate motion video generation for marketing advertisements, achieving a ~50% reduction in production time and enhancing video quality by ~20%.
    • Created an advanced web scraper with JavaScript, Node.js, Puppeteer, React, and MongoDB, handling over 10,000 data points daily and increasing data retrieval efficiency by 40% through optimization techniques like parallel processing and efficient DOM manipulation.
    • Engineered a full-stack website using Node.js, React, and MongoDB, implementing RESTful APIs and Redux for state management, and adhering to a professional Git/GitHub workflow, resulting in a seamless and scalable user experience.
    • Developed an automated deployment workflow using Docker Compose and custom scripting, achieving a 30% increase in deployment speed and reducing downtime by 25%.
    • Created an image processing app with OpenCV to remove backgrounds, detect primary colors, and segment objects, enhancing image processing capabilities for marketing content.
  3. Co-Founder & Software Engineer

    • Co-founded and developed an e-commerce platform, achieving a customer base of 1,000 users within the first year.
    • Engineered a scalable architecture using Node.js, React, and MongoDB, supporting 200 product listings and processing ~1500 transactions.
    • Automated order processing and fulfillment workflows, reducing operational costs by ~20%.
    • Designed and developed an intuitive admin dashboard using D3.js, Chart.js, Plotly.js, WebSocket, and Socket.io for real-time data updates and interactive visualizations. Enhanced decision-making capabilities with predictive analytics, customizable dashboards, and alerts for anomalies such as sudden spikes in website traffic.


  1. BSc Computer Software Engineering

    Imam Khomeini International University (IKIU)

    GPA: 16.76/20.0

    Courses included:

    • Data Structures
    • Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms
    • Artificial Intelligence
Skills & Hobbies
Technical Skills